My level 20 is my Sith sorcerer, Tagnesh, who I unfortunately don't have any good screenshots of. I'll fix that the next time I play him, though.
Next highest is my Jedi shadow, Khrysi, at 19 (almost 20!). She's so much fun to play, it makes me wish Tagnesh was an assassin instead, but he's still fun, and I would probably get bored if I was playing two of basically the same exact class all the time. Khrysi has been my favorite so far, the consular story line has been pretty amazing, and I just like republic side a bit better than the Imperials.
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten many good screenshots of the rest of my alts yet. I've tended to get so much into playing that I forget to take pictures. >.> I will fix that once I start leveling them up. For now, here's a pair of bounty hunters...
....Yes, I made two bounty hunters. Aerren (top) is on the alt server, Begeren Colony, while Drax'o (bottom) is with my main characters on Ebon Hawk. Aerren is a level 13 mercenary, while Drax is going to go powertech, whenever I actually get him through Hutta.
And just for kicks, here's my Sith marauder, Jhorren, holding a bomb. Poor Vette looks a little nervous.
I still log on Rift/WoW every so often, just to tinker around and 'see' my friends, but between boredom and lag, I haven't stayed on very long. I've been thinking of rolling a monk version of Kal, mostly because I've had to let my second account's sub run out, and that's the account warrior!Kal is on, and I miss her. And because monks are fun. I want to replace all of Sunre's heirloom gear first, though, because mailing everything between characters gets tedious. Sun is 82 now and starting on Deepholm, so it probably won't take long, once I can make myself stay on him for another leveling binge.
I had to cancel my Rift sub, too, but with it going free to play soon, I'll be able to play my above-level-20 characters again soon. And I have plenty of baby alts to tinker on until then.
And I think that's all for now. /Waves
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